last night on late night

Tom Hanks Has Been Waiting Months to Tell Graham Norton, and Graham Norton Only, This Story

With apologies to Stephen Colbert, James Corden, and all the other white dudes on late-night television, it seems Tom Hanks just crowned his favorite host at the end of an amusing anecdote about brewskis: “This is going to make a great story on The Graham Norton Show.” That foresight! That nice praise! America’s dad was recalling his recent appearance at Stagecoach, where his wife, Rita Wilson, was performing — but the afternoon took a nosedive when he was deprived of beer at one of the pavilions. “I give them a couple seconds to let the H-bomb drop,” he explained. “Not only am I who you think I am, but I’m also 62 goddamn years old.” All Hanks needed was an ID badge, which he made someone else get him. The walk was too far.

Tom Hanks Waited Months to Tell Graham Norton This Story