In the interest of protecting spoilers, Vulture will not divulge plot details of the debut episode of the CW’s Batwoman, which aired today for fans at the show’s San Diego Comic-Con panel. But we will say: The network’s first out-gay titular superhero gets to be totally queer and totally kick some ass in the pilot. Rose’s Kate Kane, the true identity of Batwoman, is canonically a lesbian, and in her first standalone CW episode — she appeared in an episode of Arrow last year — Rose gets to do more than just smile at pretty girls or share warm hugs. She gets to join the proud CW tradition of giving you sexy onscreen makeouts between preternaturally hot people. Though Kane did not say it out loud, you could hear the wind whispering “gay rights” as it passed through Ballroom 20 of the San Diego Convention Center. “Representation is everything and diversity is our strength,” said producer Sarah Schechter, who was wearing a T-shirt that said Unfuck The World. “We love this character, and we love her sexuality and we love her beyond her sexuality.”
There’s also some tragic origin-story action, intense combat training, a dastardly villain, and plenty of Kane family drama, but you can find out the specifics when the show premieres on Sunday, October 6. Once things are up and rolling, can Arrow-verse fans expect any crossover events? This is the CW, so absolutely yes, they can, and producer Caroline Dries said they’re already at work on a massive tie-in event that will connect the network’s super squad with its newest member. On top of that, the two women on hand said fans can expect a strong rapport between Supergirl and Batwoman.
But what of Batman, whose mantle Kane is picking up in the absence of Bruce Wayne? Well, Dries says “anything is possible,” but emphasized that DC is very selective with how they dole out access to the Dark Knight property. So, don’t hold your breath for Batsy, but do expect a lot of local baddies who hate him to crawl out of the woodwork now that there’s another winged vigilante taking to the streets and skies of Gotham again. Both fortunately and unfortunately for them, Ruby Rose will be waiting to dispense justice. And honestly, we can think of worse ways to go out.