In one of the most shocking cases of small-screen erasure in recent memory, Big Little Lies finally aired the much-hyped confrontation between Reese Witherspoon, Meryl Streep, and a delicious ice-cream cone. Well, not really. Because in a twist that Streep’s fake teeth couldn’t even predict, the moment we were waiting for, thanks to some well-timed paparazzi set photos from last summer, was left on the cutting-room floor: After Madeline berates Mary Louise on the street for proceeding with a child custody case against Celeste, the scene promptly ends without any dairy carnage. We may have gotten a previous warning that the cone wouldn’t be flyin’, but still — it hurts!
Before you fire off your angry mélange of tweets to HBO, though, seek solace in the fact that Streep knows good content when she sees it. (Or rather, lives it.) Because in a just-released chat with Entertainment Tonight from the show’s May premiere, Streep admitted there will soon be a way to witness the full extent of the ice-cream destruction. “Reese just told me it’s not in the show!” she said. “It’s going to be in the DVD extras.” To be transparent, Vulture would also be okay with YouTube, Twitter, or a massive email blast.