Doom Patrol, the best received of the DC Universe’s streaming shows, has been renewed for a second season. What’s more, both seasons will be available on HBO Max, the new Warner Bros. streaming platform that will soon yank Friends from our Netflix list. Loosely based on the Grant Morrison run of the comic, Doom Patrol is about super-powered individuals whose powers come with almost as many deficits as benefits. The team are certified weirdos: Robotman (Brendan Fraser/Riley Shanahan), Negative Man (Matt Bomer/Matthew Zuk), Elasti-Woman (April Bowlby), Cyborg (Jovian Wade), and Crazy Jane (Diane Guerrero) are led by Dr. Niles Caulder (Timothy “the Daltonator” Dalton). Variety conjectures that Doom Patrol’s dual-platform streaming options could signal more DC Universe properties making the shift to the WB’s service once it’s up and running. Folks were skeptical that subscribers would line up for DC’s content alone. But DC and Ross Gellar? Can’t miss. Doom Patrol season 2 comes to DC Universe and HBO Max spring 2020.