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Watch a Very Drunk John Early Tell a Fascinating Story About Watergate

This new clip from Comedy Central’s Drunk History has everything, and by “everything” we mean a wasted John Early, some expert lip-syncing from Saturday Night Live alum Vanessa Bayer and Tony Hale, and a Barenaked Ladies reference. In the nearly ten-minute segment from tomorrow’s episode, Early narrates the story of Martha Mitchell, the wife of President Nixon’s attorney general, John Mitchell, who also happened to have, as Early puts it, “the hottest goss in D.C.”

Martha Mitchell’s master-tier reputation for gossip became a liability once her husband was hired as the head of Nixon’s Committee to Re-Elect the President and that whole Watergate thing went down. After being held hostage, sedated, and even allegedly beaten in Los Angeles for a week (by Steve King, who — fun fact — is now an ambassador appointed by Trump) so the truth wouldn’t leak, Mitchell has the unique honor of being the first Watergate whistle-blower. But, since she was a woman who was being discredited as an alcoholic by all the men around her at the time, no one paid attention to her story. It’s an enraging tale, but watching a drunk John Early tell it while sprawled out on a couch with a nice cocktail helps it go down a little better.

Watch the rest of the episode when Drunk History airs on Comedy Central tomorrow night at 10 p.m.

Watch a Very Drunk John Early Tell a Story About Watergate