In the first trailer for the Disney+ holiday comedy Noelle, Anna Kendrick’s Noelle Kringle must save the (Christmas) day after Bill Hader’s Nick Kringle buckles under the punishing pressure of bringing joy to every girl and boy and abandons his job as the new Santa. Billy Eichner co-stars as Gabriel Kringle, who works in the North Pole tech department and loves it.
“I have always wanted to be in a Christmas movie,” Kendrick told the audience at Disney’s D23 expo on Friday, where the trailer was revealed. “The idea I have the opportunity to be in a movie that families would watch together, a movie that becomes a tradition, that you watch year after year, I was so happy to have the opportunity.”
Onstage, Billy Eichner was asked by Disney’s motion-picture group president Sean Bailey how it was different performing in The Lion King and Noelle, two Disney movies in a single year. “It wasn’t,” said Eichner. “I basically do the same thing every time and everybody likes it.” Noelle slides down the chimney onto Disney’s streaming platform on November 12.