You know the song: Spider-Man, Spider-Man, four extra minutes of Spider-Man. According to Deadline, Sony will be releasing Spider-Man: Far From Home, now with a scene of MJ where she narrates how to sext for Peter and pals. Oh wait, got that mixed up with our Euphoria notes. Zendaya really does have the range, doesn’t she? Anyway, Sony is dropping an extended cut of Far From Home, with an extra four-minute action scene, in theaters across the U.S. and Canada. It will also be available in IMAX at some locations. Far From Home, a Sony/Marvel collab, originally opened on July 2 and has already hit over $1 billion at the worldwide box office, making it the only non-Disney (well, Disney-adjacent) title to make so much. August 29, go for the action scene, stay for the chemistry between Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal.