emmys 2019

Singer Michelle Williams Asks You Not to Yell at Her Over the Other Michelle Williams’ Emmys Speech

Photo: Getty Images

Just to be clear: they are both the Michelle Williams. (Or, to put it another way, they are both the other Michelle Williams.) However, the differences between singer Michelle Williams of Destiny’s Child fame and Fosse/Verdon star Michelle Williams are numerous enough that you’d think most people could tell them apart most of the time. Not so for the trolls and fans who flooded singer Michelle Williams’ social media accounts Monday following actress Michelle Williams’ impassioned Emmys speech Sunday night. As Williams lamented on her Instagram stories: “I’m so sorry my namesake upset you, but can’t you see that I’m black?!”

If the world wasn’t a smoldering trash heap, the mix-up between the pair would result in, at worst, a few misplaced congratulations in the comment section. However, it is, so Michelle Williams has to field insults from confused trolls looking for Emmy-winner Michelle Williams to chide her for her speech… supporting women of color in the entertainment industry? “I stand beside Michelle Williams on her speech, okay?” said the singer. “She was beautiful, she was brilliant. She played Gwen Verdon to a tee. She was awesome.” Said Williams, “Now get it right, and stop cussing me out.”

Do Not Send the Other Michelle Williams Your Emmys Thoughts