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Marriage Story Trailer: Scarlett Johansson’s and Adam Driver’s Crying Faces Star

Look, if we’re all ugly crying, no one can turn anyone into a meme! Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson star as Charlie and Nicole, husband and wife, stage director and actress, large man and tree person, father and mother. But Nicole’s divorce papers are hot ’n’ ready to be served. “I realized I didn’t ever really come alive for myself. I was just being his aliveness,” Johansson sniffles. Marriage Story is Noah Baumbach’s full-scale attack on your heartstrings, and, yes, you should forward your therapy bills to him. The film, which has earned praise at festivals across the globe, also stars Laura Dern, Alan Alda, and Ray Liotta. Marriage Story hits theaters on November 6 and Netflix on December 6. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have to go find someone to passionately divorce, just to feel alive.

Marriage Story Trailer: Scarlett Johansson & Adam Driver Cry