HBO announced that comedian Sarah Silverman will be returning to the network with a new stand-up-comedy special and late-night series-pilot order. Silverman previously hosted and executive-produced the late-night show I Love You, America on Hulu, which was canceled in January. But Silverman is returning unfettered to our TV screens with a new late-night show, which she says will consist of “weighing in on the mishegas of the week and taking live video calls.” This is a much different and less-specific premise than I Love You, America, which focused on spotlighting people on different sides of the political spectrum. Expanding on her new show’s premise, Silverman says, “I’m as passionate talking about my face-washing routine as I am talking about why billionaires cost us money. Nothing’s off the table and nothing’s too high or low brow for me. I mean, look at my face, I’m literally all brow.” This is as compelling a logline as any we’ve heard. Silverman is executive-producing the pilot alongside Judd Apatow and Amy Zvi.