“You give good Woody!” is just a tiny taste of the feedback Sean Spicer received Monday night after dancing the two-step as Toy Story’s loose-limbed cowboy protagonist. Trump’s former Press Secretary and White House Communications Director slid into an adult-sized cow print vest and slid across the dance floor with partner Lindsay Arnold in some fabric boots during Dancing With The Stars’ Disney-themed show. And truly, what other moment have we as a nation been hurtling toward, if not this one?
Spicer and Arnold hoofed it to a cover of (what else?) Randy Newman’s “You’ve Got a Friend In Me.” While normal human eyes might find his dancing abilities lacking, tonight marks the first time President Trump has explicitly tweeted for the American people to vote for Sean Spicer on Dancing With the Stars, so he’ll probably stick around for a while. Definitely seems like there should be a rule against a sitting President calling for the nation to take action, but once again, our Constitution fails us. Either way, no matter how politically divided the country might be, at least we can all agree on one thing: Sean Spicer did not deserve a 7 for that dance. Are the judges kidding us? Have they lost their sweet minds?