A city of 8.6 million is going to have some tricks, as well as some treats. Sarah Jessica Parker was the recipient of both this Halloween when someone (Kim Cattrall???) stole the pumpkins off the Parker-Brodericks’ stoop. Not only their pristine pumpkins from upstate, but all the pumpkins on the block! “My husband stated ‘Decency is dead,’” SJP said on Instagram. “But will salvage the intended carving. We will find some last-minute pumpkins.” Turns out, she didn’t have to find new pumpkins, because fans provided them for her. Coming back from a shoe meeting (probably), Parker discovered brand spankin’ new pumpkins on her doorstep. Rather than be weirded out that people know her address, Parker was touched by the gesture. “Decency is alive and well,” she said in a follow-up post. Never has the city of New York gone from villain to hero so quickly. Well, maybe in Ghostbusters 2.