The detective at the center of Robert Rodriguez’s new action thriller, Hypnotic, has enough to deal with considering there’s a string of high-end heists to solve, but now he’s got to find his missing daughter and untangle government secrets, too? That’s a lot to ask, but at least Ben Affleck has stepped up for the job. (Now that he’s no longer Batman, he has to fulfill that desire to thwart extreme crimes somehow.) Hypnotic has the actor working again with Jeff Robinov, who produced two of his directorial efforts, The Town and Argo, and Rodriguez is coming to this one fresh off Alita: Battle Angel. If that tenderhearted movie doesn’t get a sequel, maybe Rodriguez can find it in his vision to make this part of an Alita extended universe, and fold her large-eyed but larger-hearted murder bot into this movie as a super-heister, or maybe a super-partner for Affleck’s detective. It wouldn’t be any crazier than Spy Kids, so why not?