When Linda Tripp decided to record phone conversations with Monica Lewinsky in order to catch her talking about her involvement with Bill Clinton, she did so with the urging of her friend, Lucianne Goldberg, in her ear. In Ryan Murphy’s American Crime Story: Impeachment, we will get to see Sarah Paulson’s Tripp conspire with Margo Martindale as Goldberg to entrap Beanie Feldstein’s Lewinsky. Deadline broke the news of Martidale’s casting.
Goldberg was a literary agent and author who was friends with Tripp, and incorrectly advised her that it was totally legally to record conversations in Maryland without the consent of the second party. In those surreptitiously recorded chats, Tripp tried to draw information out of Lewinsky about the Clinton affair, and eventually turned those recordings over to independent counsel Kenneth Starr. Martindale will make a perfect busy body in this messy deception.