last night on late night

In As Little As Six Weeks, SNL Can (Finally) Teach You How to Talk to Children

We get it, you’re currently in a transitional point of your life. Your friends are “getting married” and “having kids.” You’re now required to “socialize” with the little devils at a precision level much greater than Steve Buscemi in 30 Rock. Enter the world’s best way to learn a language, Duolingo, which was nice enough to add Children (ages 2 to 12) to its list of recognized languages. Repeat after us: cool flossing. Do you like Go-Gurt? Chicken fingers. Are you on TikTok? Give yourself six weeks, and you might also be able to build your stamina for long, meandering, pointless (ugh) stories about whatever the hell tweens are into these days. Fine, you can keep the Music Band T-shirt.

In As Little As Six Weeks, SNL Can Teach How to Talk to Kids