Game of Thrones’ David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are working on a film based on the Vertigo graphic novel Lovecraft. According to Deadline, Destroyer writing duo Phil Hay and Matt Manfredi will write the thriller. Director Karyn Kusama will executive produce. Plot details are scarce, but the basic premise is this: We all know H.P. Lovecraft as an isolated, racist-even-for-his-time auteur who made up stories about fantastical geometry-defying monsters that never, ever existed. Or did they? Benioff and Weiss are plowing through the sci-fi/fantasy canon. First Thrones, then Star Wars, then the rite of passage for every filmmaker: announcing definitively that they’re not doing Star Wars. Now they’ll tackle horror’s biggest weirdo. Lovecraft’s tentacles extend throughout pop culture — Batman’s Arkham Asylum, John Carpenter’s In The Mouth of Madness, and South Park’s late-era villain Cthulu are all based on his stories. This film was in the works at Warner Bros. before the GoT Boys’ big Netflix deal, and is not a part of it.