Big feline energy has been oozing from Jason Derulo throughout his Cats press tour (well, he does play the sexy cat), and we have now reached what should be the natural conclusion to Vulture’s 25 Days of Cats content extravaganza: Derulo is bummed that the film had to digitally remove his massive “anaconda” penis. You know, to honor that notoriously normal narrative as closely as possible. “They CGI-ed the dick out. I noticed that,” he told Andy Cohen on the host’s SiriusXM radio show today. “125 percent. I can’t see it in the trailer, for sure. I’m not surprised. That could’ve been a new thing. To make it as catlike as possible, that’s what it’s about.” Don’t forget, this Cats film adaptation — and we cannot stress this enough — also utilized “digital fur technology” for its felines as they journey to the Heaviside Layer, which is made even more amusing when you realize the cats have human breasts.
Anatomical double standards aside, Derulo also lamented how Instagram decided to take down his entry for thirst trap of the year, which featured, uh, a not-so-delicate boxer outline of said anaconda. “Nobody cares about men’s rights, that’s the problem there. It’s a real thing though,” he offered. (Sure it is.) “I love Instagram and it’s really not that serious to me. I really don’t care that much.” There’s always Twitter, or Facebook, or Tumblr, or LinkedIn.