Vulture could bore you with a bunch of statistics about the group of women competing for Peter Weber, noted horny pilot, on next season of The Bachelor, but you already know what we’re gonna say, huh? Fancy a guess? Three pageant girls. Three flight attendants. One model and another fashion blogger with a strategically placed “y” in her name. There’s also a cattle rancher, which is actually pretty neat. All below the three-decade mark with varying shades of Instagram Face! Everyone, that is, except for a fabulous 31-year-old named Natasha — an event planner in NYC who wants to pioneer an exciting fitness trend called “disco yoga” and who has two massive tattoos on her back. (Bachelor Peter is 28, and only has three women his age or older competing for his roses.) Natasha, please know that we’ll be getting delivery from Roberta’s and watching your debut from our fifth-floor walk-up next month. That’s all.