Are you in the market for a tastefully decorated multimillion-dollar mansion in Bel Air, California, owned by a celebrity couple currently embroiled in legal trouble of their own making? If so you’re in luck, because Lori Loughlin and husband Mossimo Gianulli are selling their house! According to People, Loughlin and Gianulli have put their Bel Air mansion up for sale for a little less than $28.7 million, an absolute steal when you consider that Loughlin and Gianulli previously put the property on the market for $35 million in 2017.
The couple are, of course, awaiting trial for their participation in the college admissions scandal, a.k.a Operation Varsity Blues, a.k.a get my influencer daughter into the college of her choice! However, sources have told TMZ that legal fees associated with their impending trial have absolutely nothing to do with why they have just now decided to put their home on the market. Rather, the couple’s move was inspired by “Mossimo’s passion for architecture,” which seems totally legit and not fake at all. Either way, the 12,000 square-foot property with six bedrooms, nine bathrooms, a large swimming pool, outdoor courtyard, two living rooms, formal dining room, and eat-in chef’s kitchen can be yours for a little less than $30 million to recreate all your Fresh Prince of Bel Air fantasies. This whole situation brings up the age-old question: Would you rather spend 13 days in jail wearing a fun green jump suit and doing arts and crafts or put your $30 million house on the market?