The Devil works fast, but TMZ works faster. A mere week after Meghan Markle and Prince Harry announced their retreat from royal life so that they could instead focus on such humble pursuits as Disney voice-over work, Fox announced that they would air an “exclusive TMZ investigation” titled Harry & Meghan: The Royals in Crisis on Wednesday, January 29. According to their statement, the one-hour Megxit special “will cut through the noise, inaccuracies and speculation surrounding the couple’s surprise announcement” via sources who will tell “the exclusive story of the tensions that led to a nearly impossible decision for the Queen.” What was her decision, exactly? To not lock the couple up in the Tower of London? Here’s the real hot goss, though: “The special also focuses on the quiet moves of Harry and Meghan to enter the world of entertainment.” Suits arc for Harry: more or less* confirmed!
*not at all