It’s been a minute since Robert Durst copped to something. Lawyers in the Jinx documentary subject’s trial have acknowledged that Durst did, in fact, write the letter to police tipping them off about the location of Susan Berman’s murder. While being interviewed in The Jinx, Durst said that the letter was something “only the killer could have written.” Durst entered a plea of “not guilty” in 2016 for Berman’s murder. While admitting to writing the tip-off note, Durst has not changed his plea. The admission was was filed jointly by both prosecution and defense lawyers on Christmas Eve. Durst’s trial is set to begin February 10, 2020.
The Jinx indicated that Durst may have killed Berman because she knew too much about the disappearance of his wife, Kathleen McCormack. The note pointing to the location of Berman’s body simply read “cadaver,” with an address. In a statement to the Wrap, Durst’s lawyer Dick DeGuerin said, “The stipulations speak for themselves. This doesn’t change the facts that Bob Durst did not kill Susan Berman and doesn’t know who did.”