Saturday Night Live released a new episode of its web series Stories From the Show today featuring current cast member and Shrill star Aidy Bryant, who takes us inside her dressing room, a.k.a. her “nice little cozy home,” where she keeps all kinds of goodies and “lotions and potions” to keep her sane during live shows. Bryant also looks back on her early seasons on the show as well as the very first time she got to say “Live from New York, it’s Saturday Night!” It was at the end of a cold open where she plays Candy Crowley in a presidential debate in which she was incredibly nervous and still recovering from getting poked in the eye by one of the show’s makeup artists. “I remember just, over and over again in my dressing room, going ‘Good evening. Good evening.’ Full psycho, couldn’t stop practicing that because I was so nervous. I still, to this day, am haunted by that first line,” Bryant says. “Tom Hanks was also in the sketch, and Bill Hader, and they both came on either side of me and ran me down the hall, and all the hair and makeup and costumes people were there and they clapped for me, and it was one of the coolest moments I’ve ever had here.” Thankfully for Bryant — and for us — that was just the beginning of many cold-open appearances for the soon-to-be SNL superstar.