It’s been a dream of a week for British singer Charlotte Awbery, who became a viral sensation after a spontaneous short performance of “Shallow” (HAAA AH AH AH AAAH!) at a London tube station. And, like Ally ascending from the drag bars to SNL, Awbery is now having her star moment: She appeared in a terrific suit on Ellen today to perform “Shallow” and discuss how this whirlwind experience culminated after 15 years as a struggling professional singer. “I do pubs. I do bars. I do restaurants,” she explained. “My dad always said to me, ‘Wherever you are, just always sing. Never give up.’ He’s right.” Awbery also, for all of the skeptics out there, asserted that the video wasn’t staged: “I was literally on the way to meet my friend.” Lady Gaga, we’ll give you another week to make the inevitable duet happen.