The newest woman to be anointed as a Bachelorette lead, Sacramento hairstylist Clare Crawley, is daring to disrupt the franchise by being, gasp, over the age of 30. (She’s 38.) At her official unveiling on Monday’s Good Morning America, Crawley, who has been a staple within the franchise for many years, laughed off the idea that being an older woman (again, she’s only 38) will somehow impede her chances at finding love. “I feel like lot of people put it out there as a negative thing,” she explained, joking that she could be the “mom” of Peter Weber’s current Bachelor contestants. “For me, it’s more years under my belt, more learning and knowing what I want and what I don’t want, and what I won’t settle for.” Crawley noted that, historically, she’s been known to date younger men, so pursuing them on the show won’t be a “problem” for her.
“I’m wondering if they’re ready for me, for my age,” she teased. “I feel that would be more of an issue than me with them, because I feel so much younger at heart than my actual age. I’m proud of my age, but I just feel younger. That, to me, is what’s important.” As for what kind of anti–Juan Pablo Crawley will be looking for when her flock of men descend upon the Bachelor Mansion when filming begins, a healthy sense of vulnerability will be appreciated, if not required. “The most important thing is, I want a man who will take off his armor,” she said. “I want a man who’s strong, who’s willing to take off the body armor, open himself up, and be vulnerable. I think that’s some serious strength right there.” And don’t even think about if Crawley has thick enough skin for the gig: “I’m not the one you guys should be worried about. Let me tell you that. It’s them.” We totally believe her.