If you were among the many worried about Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson’s health after Hanks confirmed via Instagram that they both contracted the coronavirus while in Australia, let their progeny, the rap artist formerly known as Chet Haze a.k.a. Chet Hanks née Chester Marlon Hanks, assuage your fears. In an Instagram video posted Wednesday night, a shirtless Chet Hanks let the world know that he is not worried about his parents health. “Yeah, it’s true. My parents got coronavirus. Crazy,” he states, before informing his followers that he just got off the phone with Tom and Rita and that they are “not tripping” about their recent diagnosis.
While he normally has a penchant for breaking into patois, Hanks was uncharacteristically composed in his video, saying that his parents “are fine” and that “they’re not even that sick.” Chet Hanks is starring in the upcoming film Greyhound, the release date of which was recently pushed from May 8 to June 12 because of … you know … coronavirus. Despite all of this, Hanks was in good spirits as he closed out the video, stating, “I think everything’s gonna be alright. Everybody stay safe out there. Much love.” If the Hanks family isn’t tripping about coronavirus, we shouldn’t be tripping either (but we should absolutely be engaging in the practice of social distancing as recommended by public health officials).