Tonight, thousands of miles away from one another, two late night hosts had the exact same idea: to deliver monologues from quarantine. Taking a cue from Stephen Colbert, who gave his monologue last night from the comfort of his very bubbly bathtub, Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon separately recreated segments of their respective shows from home — Kimmel into his webcam, Fallon taped by his wife, both with homemade (possibly kid-drawn) title-cards. Fallon spent his time on the first Tonight Show: At Home Edition introducing his very good dog to his audience, and singing an original St. Patrick’s Day tune. 10-minute episodes of Tonight Show: At Home Edition will be posted on weeknights in support of the food bank Feeding America. Kimmel centered his quarantine “minilogue” around poking fun at Trump and Tom Brady in equal measure. He’ll be delivering minilogues every weeknight, just like his fellow Jimmy. Check out the Jimmys’ monologues above and below.