If you think you’ve got it bad during the coronavirus quarantine, just try being celebrity couple Senator Cory Booker and Rosario Dawson. With Broadway closed until June 7 at the earliest, they’ve got no hopes of a date night for the near future. Dawson spoke to Entertainment Tonight about how she and Booker are quarantining apart from each other, with Booker working on the stimulus package in D.C. and Dawson taking care of her parents. Dawson told ET that the two are connecting by “reading to each other, trying to cook together,” and casually mentioned that they’re both “total Trekkies,” which brings to mind unwelcome mental images of Booker in Spock ears. When talking about watching her show Briarpatch with Booker, Dawson also dropped an absolute revelation: “He marathoned all of Jane the Virgin. He’s seen every episode just because he wanted to see the last two seasons with me. So it’s been very sweet. He’s been very encouraging and very supportive.”
Cory Booker being a Jane the Virgin fan, regardless of Dawson’s role in it, is such a perfect fit. You just know he’s Team Michael, too. This actually isn’t the first time that Booker’s JtV viewing has been made public. At the Democratic debate in October 2019, Booker told CBS News that watching Jane the Virgin is “what I do when I can’t sleep at night” and praised it as a “groundbreaking” show that “really affirms the best of who we are. And at a time that we’re seeing moral vandalism from the highest office in the land, it’s nice to watch a show that’s unifying our country, that’s affirming, that elevates the stories of immigrants in this nation. It was just a powerful series.”
He did admit at the time, though, that “it is awkward to watch your significant other kissing anybody,” he added. “I always ask her questions like, ‘That was just acting, right?’” Nobody tell Senator Cory Booker about “Out Tonight”; it just might break his brain.