last night on late night

Meet Pretty Mandy, Paul Rudd’s Awful Cousin, on SNL

Saturday Night Live continued in their coverage of awkward video calls in the age of the coronavirus with a sketch featuring guest star Paul Rudd and Heidi Gardner as his horrible cousin, Mandy. The sketch starts off innocuously enough, with Mandy checking in on “little Paulie,” but things quickly take a dark turn as it becomes clear Mandy has the coronavirus. When questioned, she gets outwardly hostile: “Man, you’re different. You changed, little Paulie.” She goes on to ask Rudd why he wasn’t in “the movie Wonder Woman did, with all the celebrities,” and Rudd finally admits he simply wasn’t famous enough. As the call wraps up, Mandy upsettingly reveals that she’s still going out to her favorite bar for tic-tac-toe tournaments, albeit in gloves. “Those are fingerless gloves,” Rudd counters, but it’s clear Mandy has won this interaction.

Meet Pretty Mandy, Paul Rudd’s Awful Cousin, on SNL