Samantha Irby is a riot. With her third essay collection, Wow, No Thank You., the Evanston-born writer, now based in Kalamazoo, Michigan, continues her streak of hilarious, revelatory essays that demonstrate a keen interest in what it means to exist in a human body. Whether she’s frankly talking about Crohn’s disease in the essay “Girls Gone Mild” or exploring her love of music in “Late 1900s Time Capsule,” the author is both irreverent and incisive. Join Irby tonight at 6:30 p.m. on Vulture’s Instagram Live for the first installment in our Read a Book series. The author will read an excerpt from her latest, followed by a chat with Vulture’s Angelica Jade Bastién. Tune in for the laughter, discussion, and gross-out humor that only Samantha Irby can bring.
The staff at Vulture is busy putting together events to keep you sane (and yes, indoors) during quarantine. To help our readers stay up-to-date with our full stack of virtual events, we put together a public calendar. So wash your hands, pull up your phone or laptop, and tune in for a series of Instagram Lives, book readings, movie nights, and more.