last night on late night

Lindsey Buckingham Snubbed Yet Again As SNL Revives ‘What Up With That?’ at Home

We gonna talk social distance. We gonna talk persistence. COVID resistance! It’s gonna be fantastic, bombastic, galactic, elastic, emphatic, spastic, fancy, fantastic — everybody watch! It took nearly a decade, but SNL brought back its chaotic-good talk show, “What Up With That?,” thanks to Diondre Cole (Kenan Thompson) being able to rent a laptop with extremely good graphics software from his local library. (Okay, the laptop is for his kids to do homework, but whatever.) Charles Barkley and DJ Khaled were the confused guests, as was the perpetually unlucky Lindsey Buckingham (Bill Hader), who once again wasn’t able to get any word in or have a strong enough internet connection. Good thing Diondre will wave to him from his Buick LeSabre on his birthday. It’s really the least he could do.

Lindsey Buckingham Snubbed As SNL Revives What Up With That?