Zooey Deschanel and Jonathan Scott, the celebrity couple equivalent of a “Live Laugh Love” wall decal, are still going strong after going public with their dating life back in September. The two made a guest appearance on the other Property Brother’s podcast, At Home With Linda & Drew Scott, revealing their unique backstory: It isn’t every couple who meets on the set of Carpool Karaoke, singing a mash-up of “Baby It’s Cold Outside” and “…Baby One More Time.” As Jonathan tells it on the podcast, “The producer said I was flirting so bad, like so hard, that they had to cut it out.” Jonathan also admits that he had never seen an episode of New Girl until they started dating, but that “I finished the series yesterday,” a feat which he calls “true love.” This seems rude, especially because New Girl is a perfectly cute show and Deschanel even admits on the podcast that Jess is her favorite of the characters she’s played. Deschanel, in contrast, had been a huge fan of Property Brothers long before they met, telling the bros, “I liked the show before I met you guys,” insisting, “I wasn’t creeping on you or anything.” Drew Scott disagrees, noting that she used to send him “weird stalkery Twitter posts.” If you want some more fun facts about Jonathan and Deschanel’s relationship, they love doing escape rooms, and when they first started dating, “she would pick me up at the airport and there would be a basket with fresh baked goods.” As Deschanel puts it, “My car was always smelling like butter.”