happy birthday!

Adele Emerges From Eternal Social Distancing to Say Happy Birthday to Herself

Photo: Adele/Instagram

Take it as a sign that things are looking up or that it’s really end-times, but Adele just posted to her Instagram for the first time in over four months. The elusive chanteuse, who’s been modeling social distancing since the release of her last album, 25 (save for the occasional trip to Pieces), returned to social media on the occasion of her May 5 birthday. She turned 32, meaning she now has seven possible album titles after 25 up for grabs. But we see no hints of new music here — not in Adele standing in that amazing flower hoop, and definitely not on that open laptop screen off to the side. “Thank you for the birthday love,” she wrote. “I hope you’re all staying safe and sane during this crazy time. I’d like to thank all of our first responders and essential workers who are keeping us safe while risking their lives! You are truly our angels ♥️ 2020 okay bye thanks x.” Let’s hope she’s going back to the essential work of readying her album for a September 2020 release date. Happy birthday to Adele, whose reemergence is the only thing we need to celebrate about this photo.

Adele Emerges From Eternal Social Distancing for Birthday