Presumably at a loss for inspiring words to potentially guide the American people, President Donald Trump recently posted a digitally altered version of Bill Pullman’s Independence Day speech on Saturday, in which the actor’s face was swapped out with Trump’s head. Images of Ted Cruz, Donald Trump Jr., Tucker Carlson, and Sean Hannity also make an appearance in the video. It seems extremely unlikely that the 1996 sci-fi hit can offer any practical help to the administration’s quarantine response (for one, where would the center of COVID-19 even be for Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum to upload the virus into, let alone blow it up?) but the video has gathered views over the weekend anyway.
All of which is to say, yes, Bill Pullman did, in fact, see Trump’s Independence Day video, and he’d like to emphasis the difference between the two. “My voice belongs to no one but me, and I’m not running for president — this year,” the actor told The Hollywood Reporter, prompting the question: Why not? It’s not too late, not by a long shot. Even if Biden takes the Democratic nomination, that VP spot is still wide open, right?