The first half of this Conan clip with O’Brien and Nikki Glaser features Glaser — who would normally be performing stand-up all the time in front of live audiences right now — discussing how Zoom comedy shows are just not good enough. The laughter is delayed, the excitement of live performance isn’t there, and if this becomes our new normal, Glaser tells O’Brien she’s thinking about quitting stand-up and becoming a therapist, “because they seem to be really necessary right now.” But the second half proves that even though Glaser is having a tough time as a stand-up these days, that doesn’t mean she hasn’t mined that frustration for some solid new material.
For example, she’s noticed one little thing people do at the end of every Zoom meeting: that awkward moment when everyone in attendance leans toward their computer to click away and their true self is exposed to everyone else on the screen. Glaser has already mastered her impersonation of this moment, and O’Brien chimes in with his take on the Zoom sign-off face, too. So while it might suck to be a comedian who can’t perform live right now, this clip proves that there are still plenty of new jokes out there waiting to be discovered that will humiliate the rest of us every time our Zoom meetings wrap up and we take too long to click out of the screen. And that’s just as necessary as therapy, right?