If you’re missing thought-provoking experimental theater right now, might I direct you to Jeremy O. Harris’s Twitter page? In a major galaxy-brain moment, on Thursday evening playwright Jeremy O. Harris took to Twitter to livetweet the very good Good Fight episode inspired by his play, Slave Play, which took Broadway audiences by storm this past winter. “About to do a live watch of the @thegoodfight SLAVE PLAY episode. Who wants to join? #SlavePlayGoodFight,” tweeted Harris before jumping in and taking us on a meta-theatrical journey the likes of which we haven’t seen since Mandy Patinkin sang “Lesson Number 8” in a park on a Sunday. Here’s what The Good Fight got right (and wrong) about Slave Play, according to the man who wrote it.
He absolutely approves of The Good Fight universe’s title for Slave Play, C**ksucker in Chains.
As well as the author’s note. Basically, the whole playbill gets an A.
Some characters hit close to home.
The scene in which a cis-white female audience member very publicly takes umbrage with the playwright for “reverse racism” really did happen. Harris had his own exchange with a Talkback Tammy during the run of Slave Play and has been laughing about it ever since.
In another worlds-collide moment, actor Ronald Peet — who starred in Harris’s other NYC play, Daddy — popped up in the Good Fight episode as the playwright’s main antagonist. (Yes, Harris had two major New York productions bow in one year, it’s not a big deal.)
There you have it: Theater has the power to make you better at sex, both on television and in real life.
Harris was even impressed with the Good Fight’s use of psychology. Everything was perfect until …
The ascots. Unlike his Good Fight alter ego, played by Jon Michael Hill, real-life playwright Jeremy O. Harris does not wear ascots. Next time there is a fictionalized version of Jeremy O. Harris — and, trust me, there will be more fictionalized versions of Jeremy O. Harris — do not outfit him in an ascot. Yes he’s a playwright, but he’s a playwright but make it fashion, and should be treated as such.