last night on late night

Hasan Minhaj Says Your College Tuition Is Paying for ‘Theme Park Bullshit’

With more college classes moving online for fall 2020 as the coronavirus pandemic continues, is that huge price tag on tuition still worth it? One University of California, Davis, grad says it might not be. On the June 14 episode of Patriot Act, Minhaj discussed the ways in which universities in America are run like businesses rather than learning institutions, and how certain trends have gotten worse over the past few decades. Tenured professorships are down, gig-working adjunct professors and teaching assistants are on the rise while their pay is down … but tuition is somehow increasing. (Someone with an overpriced college degree in economics, please do the math.) Minhaj gets into why you shouldn’t donate to your alma mater’s endowment fund: “When you’re donating to a university, you’re basically donating to a hedge fund with the same name as a university.” Meanwhile, plenty of money is going to “theme park bullshit,” amenities to attract full tuition-paying rich kids, like rock-climbing walls. Minhaj says, “colleges shouldn’t be fun like Disney World. They should be soul crushing, like Epcot Center.” Tell that to the multimillion-dollar lazy river that spells out “LSU.”

Hasan Minhaj: College Tuition Pays for ‘Theme Park Bullshit’