Jake Paul, a product of the internet who’s apparently hell-bent on getting a public-nuisance law named after him, is under fire once again, this time for throwing a massive party despite stay-at-home guidance in California. Instagram footage of the party, which doubled as a music-video shoot, has many upset with the YouTuber for disregarding safety. It even has the mayor of Calabasas, Alicia Weintraub, “outraged.” “They’re having this large party, no social distancing, no masks, it’s just a big, huge disregard for everything that everybody is trying to do to get things back to functioning,” Weintraub told Fox 11. “It’s really just a party acting like COVID does not exist; it’s acting like businesses aren’t closed.” The mayor says that she’s working with the Lost Hills sheriff to institute a “zero tolerance” policy on house parties in violation of health orders. “No more gatherings will be tolerated like this,” she said. The younger Paul brother is already in trouble with the law. He was charged with trespassing on private property for “documenting” looters after a protest in Arizona. He’s truly gifted at being what we don’t need.