This week’s Last Week Tonight was dedicated to the ongoing controversies surrounding the border wall (now with 100 percent more Steve Bannon), which, as John Oliver surmises, is “one of the more upsetting things to emerge from 2016. Tied, of course, with the reboot of Gilmore Girls.” Tied with the reboot of Gilmore Girls, you say? Despite the joys it brought into the world, such as the Stars Hollow musical, Rory’s character assassination, and Lane, once again, getting absolutely nothing to do? Do tell! “I know I’m a little bit late with this, but just a few notes,” Oliver says. “Who the fuck was Paul? Not enough Paris. Seriously, who the fuck was Paul? When did both of these women forget how to hold mugs? I’m sorry, Emily says ‘bullshit’ and ‘tits’ now? Not in my Stars Hollow. And finally, who the absolute fuck was Paul? Team Logan for life.” Team Jess, we vandalize the studio at dawn.