Tig Notaro has landed a new gig that involves filming a movie role that had previously been completed by another comedian. According to Variety, Zack Snyder’s upcoming zombie heist film starring Dave Bautista, Army of the Dead, had cast and filmed a part by comedian Chris D’Elia, but presumably due to the sexual-misconduct allegations that surfaced against D’Elia in June, the role has now been recast, and Notaro will step in to take over. The Variety report notes that Army of the Dead had already completed shooting and entered post-production prior to the pandemic, so in order to swap out D’Elia with his new replacement, Notaro’s performance will be added thanks to the magic of green screen and other special effects.
D’Elia denied the June 16 allegations that he solicited nude photos from underage girls, saying in a statement that all of his relationships “have been both legal and consensual.” By June 23 he was dropped by his agency, CAA, and on July 23, Netflix pulled a prank show it had in the works from D’Elia and comedian Bryan Callen. Not long after, on July 31, Callen was also the center of multiple sexual-misconduct allegations reported by the Los Angeles Times, including rape. Callen “categorically and absolutely” denied the allegations in a statement.
Anyway, best of luck to Tig.