Whether it’s a nude, a screen grab of your ex’s wedding, or the dread under-chin, anyone with Instagram on their phone is one thumb slip away from humiliation at any moment — a fact Chris Evans unfortunately discovered this weekend, after the actor inadvertently revealed more to the world than he would have liked. According to the New York Post, Evans posted a video to Instagram this weekend featuring a mild-mannered game of Head’s Up. However, in doing so, he inadvertently revealed his camera roll, which contained both a photo of a penis and a meme featuring Evans’s face and the command: “Guard. That. Pussy.”
So, as you can imagine, the internet lost it. Evans, of course, immediately deleted the video, but it was too late. He has yet to comment on the gaffe (and, really, what is there to say?) His Avenger: Endgame co-star Mark Ruffalo, however, felt compelled to take to Twitter to reassure him that, hey, at least it’s not as embarrassing as the Trump presidency.
“.@ChrisEvans Bro, while Trump is in office there is NOTHING you could possibly do to embarrass yourself,” Ruffalo tweeted. “See… silver lining.” So that’s…hopefully reassuring?