Catch us pensively drinking in the dollhouse, wine moms style. Because Rosewood is inescapable and the passage of time is fleeting, a Pretty Little Liars reboot is in the works, only three years after the original series ended with a few bangs and even more twins. THR reports that Riverdale showrunner Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa is working on “a new take” for the show, which aired for seven seasons between 2010 and 2017 and defined Freeform as we know it. The reboot will consist entirely of “new characters and stories” and is being shopped around at numerous networks. (There haven’t been any bites yet, although THR hints that HBO Max is looking like a front-runner.) Besides that, no other information is known, although we should note that PLL-adjacent projects have had an undesirable track record: Two attempts at spinoffs, Ravenswood and Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists, were canceled after one season. Still, good luck. It really seems like yesterday that we thought Aria was A and Noel decapitated himself with an ax, doesn’t it?