Everything about Jude Law’s experience on HBO’s The Third Day suggests that you should not spend time on the creepy island of Osea, but if for whatever reason that has not warned you off, we have good news. HBO is putting together a special “live theatrical event” for the series in the form of a livestream that’ll air over the course of 12 hours on October 3, starting 4:30 a.m. ET (that’s 9:30 a.m. in U.K. time, which makes this a little more reasonable over there). The stream will appear on HBO’s Facebook page and “will follow the events of a single day in real time,” allowing viewers to “be immersed in the world of the show on the island of Osea” — a stressful choice of words considering the whole thing about the island being inaccessible except at low tide.
The event, dubbed “Autumn,” is supposed to serve as a bridge between the first three episodes of the show, which are dubbed “Summer,” and the last three, dubbed “Winter.” It’ll feature members of the cast of the series, including Jude Law and Katherine Waterston, as well as Florence Welch (whose music has already appeared in the series, as is required for any spooky pastoral U.K. drama) in an acting role. The event was originally billed as immersive theater, though it seems COVID has changed those plans. Still, it’s all developed by Punchdrunk, the theater company behind immersive spectacles like Sleep No More, whose artistic director, Felix Barrett, co-created the series with Marc Munden. Expect lots of little detours into side actors doing small tasks very seriously. There are probably so many creepy chores — creepy cooking, creepy cleaning, creepy sweeping — to be done on this island anyway.