Tough news for our favorite sedimentary wrestler turned movie star: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson; his wife, Lauren; and their two young daughters, Jasmine and Tiana, have all tested positive for COVID-19. Johnson announced the news on Wednesday, September 2 in an 11-minute video he posted on his official Instagram page. “I wanted to give you guys a little helpful update on things that have been going on on my end for the past two-and-a-half to three weeks now,” said Johnson. “So the update is this: My wife Lauren as well as my two baby girls and myself, we have all tested positive for COVID-19.”
In the video, Johnson describes his family’s experience with the novel coronavirus. “I could tell you that this has been one of the most challenging and difficult things we have ever had to endure as a family, and for me, too, personally as well,” he continued. Johnson’s daughters, Jasmine and Tia, ages 4 and 2, respectively, only experienced the symptom of a sore throat, which they “bounced back” from in a few days. Johnson and his wife, Lauren, had more of a “rough go” of it, said Johnson, without going into detail. As the saying goes, all’s well that ends well, as the whole family is on the other side of the illness. “I wish it was only me who tested positive, but it wasn’t, it was my entire family, so this one was a real kick in the gut. But I am happy to tell you guys that we as a family are good. We’re on the other end of it, we’re on the other side. We’re no longer contagious, and we are — thank God — we are healthy.” So, if a man whose professional wrestling name is synonymous with strength can fall victim to the coronavirus, perhaps we mere mortals should continue to take the virus seriously and wear our masks.