Watch this interview with actor Timothy Olyphant and tell us you don’t want to pinch his cheek and waggle your finger at him and go, “Oh, you.” Olyphant appeared in his Van Halen memorabilia last night on Late Night With Seth Meyers, ostensibly to promote the fourth “installment” of Fargo, on which he plays U.S. marshal Dick “Deafy” Wickware because Noah Hawley was having a little too much fun with the character names this time around. Only instead of actually getting around to promoting anything, Olyphant dicks around with Seth, finding reasons to interrupt him and go off on tangents. He straight-up walks off camera at one point and does some impressive Foley work while he makes himself some kind of cocktail involving either olives or grapes, Olyphant isn’t sure which. It’s the manic and hilarious evil twin of Stanley Tucci’s cocktail making skills. What an irascible scamp!