trailer mix

Bob Odenkirk Is Suburbia’s John Wick in the Nobody Trailer

While your dad’s midlife crisis finds him investing in an endless carousel of bass guitars and upping his Just For Men dosage, Bob Odenkirk’s Nobody character is taking a decidedly different approach: He would love to kill as many criminals as possible, and make it snappy, please. In the first trailer for this suburban action-thriller, Odenkirk’s auditor, years after working “for some very dangerous people,” has a reawakening of sorts after he lets a group of burglars escape from his home without fighting back, much to the chagrin of his wife and children. Next thing you know, he’s stockpiling a bunch of assault rifles and counting down the days until he can go full John Wick on everyone’s asses. “There’s a long dormant piece in me,” he narrates mid-slaughter, “that so very badly wants out.” Nobody, which is not an undercover Mr. Show sketch, will be released in theaters on February 26.

Bob Odenkirk Is Suburbia’s John Wick in the Nobody Trailer