As JoJo once said, it’s just too little, too late. The Kardashians have canceled their annual Christmas party for the first time in over 40 years, Khloé told a fan in a Twitter reply, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “The Covid cases are getting out of control in CA. So we decided that we’re not doing a Christmas Eve party this year,” she tweeted. “It’s the first time we will not be having a Christmas Eve party since 1978 🥺 I believe. Health and safety first though! Taking this pandemic seriously is a must.” Hold up now: health? Safety? Taking the pandemic seriously? From one of the women who flaunted a private-island party on Twitter while cases were also rising, and the rest of us were doing our part to prevent spread?
“Truly we are all so upset about it,” Khloé added in another reply. “I don’t know if you guys are making fun of me right now LOL but I really I’m talking about the Christmas Eve party LOL.” Allow us at Vulture to confirm that we are, indeed, making fun of you. Couldn’t swing another private island for Christmas?
The news comes as Keeping Up With the Kardashians, the family’s iconic reality series, preps to bow in 2021 after its 20th season. Looks like they won’t be sending us off with more matching-outfit Krismas Kards or wildly lavish gifts. Little did they know, they’d already given us the greatest gift of all this quarantine season.