Oscar Isaac has been cast as Solid Snake in Sony’s Metal Gear Solid movie, Deadline reports. The long-awaited adaptation of prolific video-game designer Hideo Kojima’s PlayStation game about a special-forces operative tasked with destroying a nuclear-weapons launcher has been stuck in development hell since 2006, with names like Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman floated as potential stars. But Sony has found its Solid Snake (yes, that is the character’s codename) in Oscar Isaac, and fans of the character will be pleased to note that he Isaac has the right, um, assets to play the part.
You see, Solid Snake was embroiled in controversy a few years ago when his updated character design for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was missing something. Two somethings, in fact. Yes, I’m talking about dat booty. The monsters at Nintendo nerfed Solid Snake’s ass down to a flat pancake and fans were pissed. But considering Isaac has gone on record about how hard it was to “squeeze [his] ass into the Millennium Falcon chair,” we’re confident he’ll fill out that Sneaking Suit quite nicely.