Finding a subtle metaphor to explore the confusion, the uncertainty, and the upheaval of this year’s COVID-19 pandemic would be a challenge for anyone, so Saturday Night Live said nuts to that and put their cast and host Timothée Chalamet in literal coronavirus costumes for last night’s sketch “A Rona Family Christmas,” which features the pandemic and its closest loved ones taking time this month to reflect after a successful year of traveling across the globe, visiting the Trump White House multiple times, and signing a lease on a roomy two-bedroom inside Rudy Giuliani.
But while the rest of the COVID clan celebrates one of their best years since Grandma started the Spanish flu, Chalamet’s Purell-swigging, Cuomo-praising rebel without a contact tracer is itching for a fight with his old man, played by Beck Bennett. Since this is a Christmas drama, after all, the Coronaviruses eventually make amends with each other, with Timothée’s virus even revealing how he gave those tigers at the Bronx zoo COVID. Explains Chalamet, “I snuck in their butts.” And to all a good night.