There’s only one whore in Cardi B’s house, and she plans on holding on to that title, thank you very much. The rapper and mother defended her parenting style on Monday after a user tweeted a video of Cardi B turning off her song “WAP” when her 2-year-old daughter, Kulture, enters the room. “So ya daughter cant listen to it but everybody else’s daughter can?” the user wrote. “AW OKAY! Exactly what I been saying you have an agenda to push with that trash ass label your [sic] with. DISGUSTING.” Cardi B presumably cued up her song “Press” and entered the discourse. “Ya needs to stop with this already!” she replied in a quote-tweet. “I’m not [JoJo Siwa]! I don’t make music for kids I make music for adults. Parents are responsible on what their children listen too [sic] or see. I I’m [sic] a very sexual person but not around my child just like every other parent should be.” The user replied saying that Cardi should “stop retweeting and liking kids dancing and singing along to your shit then,” but fans had already rallied around her. “Honestly, lazy parents expect the Internet to raise their kids, celebrities are not responsible for your kids you as a parent should provide boundaries and show them what’s right or what’s wrong but of course everyone wants to just have a baby but not actually take care of it…” reads one of the top replies to Cardi’s tweet. 2021 is not making things easier on parents. Even JoJo Siwa, Cardi’s B’s example of innocence, recently had to recall a card game due to inappropriate content. Sorry, Kulture, you’re just gonna have to listen in on mommy’s livestreams for fun.