Well, folks, it’s finally happening. HBO Max is going to #ReleaseTheSnyderCut. Warner Bros. announced today that the infamous reworking of Justice League by the film’s original director Zack Snyder will be streaming on HBO Max starting March 18. Though Snyder originally indicated that his new version of the 2017 superhero team-up would be released in four parts, Warner Bros. described what they’re calling Zack Snyder’s Justice League as a “full-length Max Original feature film.” It’s unclear whether that means you’ll still have the option to break it up into hour-long installments — it’s reportedly four hours long.
If you don’t spend a lot of time on the internet, you might not be aware of just how fraught this announcement is. After Justice League flopped, a particularly vocal subsection of the DC fandom blamed Joss Whedon, who took over the film after Snyder stepped away due to a family tragedy. An even more vocal subsection of that subsection started lobbying Warner Bros. to “release the Snyder Cut,” an at-the-time mythical version of the film that would fix all of the perceived issues. The call eventually grew so loud (and, at times, genuinely toxic) that Warner Bros. gave in and asked Snyder to create one. I guess it just goes to show that if you’re obnoxious about something on Twitter for long enough, eventually something will happen. Now, about those $2,000 stimulus checks.